A Message to My 13 Year Old Self


This is not a bullying experience story. Rather, this is a bullying experience message. Writing was one of the things I did to let go and recover from my painful experience, thus I wrote this letter during the time I was struggling with painful memories.
I’m sharing this to everyone because I want this letter to serve a purpose – and that is to send a message that no matter who you are, and no matter what you’ve been through or going through, THERE IS HOPE and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Although some people make us view ourselves negatively, there is always something wonderful about us that we should be proud of. We should not be ashamed of ourselves. We should not listen to negative voices. We should keep in mind that although we are flawed…we are wonderful and perfect – just the way we are. We are enough.
To those of you who are being bullied, keep in mind that YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE RESPECTED – FIGHT FOR THAT RIGHT.
To those of you who have been bullied and whose wounds still haven’t healed, remember that YOU WILL RECOVER – AND YOU WILL RISE UP
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Greatly blessed and deeply loved.

You can use your experience to make a big change, to serve a purpose.
Stay strong, better days are coming. ♡