An era of Bullying hell (also known as my secondary school life)


I got seriously bullied throughout my time in Secondary school. A great bulk of it took place online as well in school. People would put (bad) photos of me up on their Facebook profiles without my permission where they’d all then scoff and jeer at me. They’d also take bad photos of me quickly, before I got a say, then send them round to everyone on their mobiles. They’d also comment on my photos on Facebook really snidely and sarcastically, as they were all really laughing at me together. I also got aggressively cornered by a group of girls when I had not even been long in the school. People would also go “Ugh” when they walked past me on the street, or shout really sarcastically and snidely at me. I could never get away from the bullies as they were everywhere; in school, online and hanging around my local shopping area. I also had rumours spread about me and groups of people would crowd round me pressuring me to dance and sing for them. I was too weak to just say “No” straight off. It was all many years ago, but still haunts me and my self-esteem to this day. I hate bullying, it makes me sick to the stomach.