Bullied for taste in music


When I was in Year 6 i used be bullied a lot. The ‘popular’ girls would call me a weirdo and freak in front of my face and behind my back. Or they would spread rumours. Every lunchtime, our class all play a ball game called ‘Champ’ and they would deliberately make sure the ball hit my body and then say oh sorry. I never told the teacher and now I regret how I reacted to it. Then when i went to secondary school in Year 7 I got bullied by loads of people and our school was INFESTED with ‘popular’ girls they also called me a freak and weirdo for the music I listened to which is rock and metal and they always spread rumours that I was a satanist or stuff along that line. The amount of times I went to the toilets to cry is too much to count on my fingers. One time, they all cornered me when I stood up to them and said you don’t know me so don’t spread rumours. Then one time this girl came up to me in the locker room and punched me straight in the stomach. No-one stood up for me. They don’t even remember that I was in Year 7 coz I was so shy, 3 years later I still listen to my music prouder than ever. yes I still get called Satanist or weirdo but whatever I am proud of what I wear and listen to but the said thing is when I tell my friends about this, they do not believe because we have a teacher who is a ‘goth’ and listens to the same band as me and they think I am copying him and continually tease me for my bracelets and me liking black but now i feel I am not bullied as much as I was before