

HEY,people do you think it’s healthy to other’s when they’re always crying or being sad? Well I think it’s not and it really hurts when we are bullied i hope that mac students can change the school by stopping bullying because bullying can lead to suicidal thoughts and that’s not good to have because thoughts lead to action and if you hurt yourself it’s not good and how many of you guys have been bullied please raise your hand if you have been bullied.!!!!
Well every body should have put your hands up because you have been bullied…
Can you please raise your hand if you have bullied someone..!!!!
Well how many of you don’t care how others feel?
How many of you think it’s alright to make others cry?
How many of you have every felt unsafe at school?
When i say unsafe i mean like scared they are gonna be beat up or scared about being bullied or picked on..!
Just know that the kid in the back of the class who says nothing at home he is always trying to find ways to be loud.
That one girl you called stupid she has all A’s..
You say it doesn’t hurt but it does when you tell your teacher you’re “FINE” we all know your not, we all know that something is wrong we may not know but we can help well some of us can because some of us went through the same stuff.