Changing like Seasons


I had been brought up nicely by my parents and my family, they treat me well. You see… we could not expect everybody to treat us that way. It started when I was in 2nd grade,I was so silent that no one would have noticed me. Some of my classmates would give me intimidating stares, do mean gestures and such. I concluded then that not all people are good, I remembered an accident where I was accused for being involved in. I remembered seeing my classmate running around, she tripped right in front of me who was just standing and her nose had bled. I remembered being called out by her older brother, by her group of friends. I didn’t remember what they had told me, I was too naive but for sure I was hurt. The bad experience of being an outcast continued. After that… when I reached 3rd grade, my classmates would then call me names… tease me because of my dark complexion, my weird behavior… It continued till 8th grade. I knew most of my peers thought I was fine… that the words they throw to me didn’t hurt at all… the things they called ‘jokes’. The bullying never stopped. I had suicidal thoughts.. I thought so negatively of the world that I started to get numb of things. Gladly a friend of mine made me realize that I should not think so negatively.

I was being bullied for being silent, for being dark, for being weird… for being unlike them. But now, I ignore the bad things… I changed my perspective in life. I became an optimistic person. But negativities…stayed… I had stopped showing my so called skills… After some bad experiences and comments from my teachers and classmates. I did not stand up for what they had done… I let things like those pass.

To all people out there… Please do understand me.