Life of a victim


I care because bullying can be a very serious thing in everyone’s life. Growing up as a shy girl, I’ve been bullied a lot of times, by tons of people. I’ve always thought I was pretty, but people seem to think differently. 🙁 As a very sensitive person like myself I tend to never let go of the hatred people have for me. It always pops up in my head no matter what time in the day, so it makes me feel depressed about everything and I even get grouchy when it happens and turn on others, I’m just such caring, sweet person that it hurts to get pushed around a lot for being nice. I mean why me!? Being too nice has its good and bad effects. Sometimes you can make a persons’ day other times they can walk right over you.  I try helping people get out of those problems and I love to inspire them. To all of you who are insecure, it may be dark now, but your future will be brighter. Keep your head up and think positive. You’re in God’s hands and he has big plans for you. Stay strong 😉