No Excuses


What I want people to know, is even the strongest and popular and talented people get bullied. It’s not always the shy kids or the weirdos. Everyone can get bullied, even in a tiny private school like my own. I could’ve seemed like the person least likely to be bullied – I was popular, tall, athletic, kept excellent grades, could sing really well, and went to a small town private school – but I was still bullied.
If someone had stood up for me, said one simple word – stop – to that girl the first time she said something to me, I’m definitely sure my whole year would have shaped out differently. But, now I see how different it could’ve been, I realise if I had stood up for myself things could’ve worked out differently too. Looking back, I definitely should have told a teacher. And while it’s too late to do that now, I will certainly do that in the future. I think part of my issue was I made too many excuses for myself. I’d think, nah she’s just having a bad day, or, it will stop soon, or, it will only make things worse if I tell someone. They’re all excuses, and nothing excuses bullying. A bad day might be a reason for some behaviour, but it’s not an excuse.
For any teachers reading this, while I know you can’t account for everything, I think you should know a lot of things happen when you’re not looking. As I said, you definitely can’t account for everything, but if you gave time for students to answer a simple question like “I wish my teacher knew”, it could change students’ lives.
And for those of you who are reading this that have been bullied, I’m sorry. You never ever, and will never ever deserve it. I hope you find the strength to overcome it and to not let it control you. Please tell someone about it, because I know now it would have made things better for me so I’m sure it will make things better for you.
For the people who are reading this who haven’t been bullied, please please please always stand up for people. Just saying stop to someone could change someone’s life. Be the person I never had.
And to all of you, please know that nothing ever excuses bullying.