The beat goes on…


Keeping a long story short…Bullying started for me in the third grade, From other students and 2 teachers as well. I can remember just about all of it all these years later. I was a short fat boy with red curly hair and later pimples so I was a huge target for everybody. It is not “just innocent fun”, “kids will be kids” , “They will grow out of it” or “he wont even remember”. It was not fun, It hurt, The bullying lasted from 3rd grade until I finished school and like I said I remember just about all of it. But you know what friends? All these years later I am everything I was told I would “not” be. Married with kids a good job and a lot of love. All the trash you hear is just that TRASH. All of you ARE beautiful people and you WILL have your own beautiful life. It is true that bullies are that way because of their own insecurities.