I Care Because…

  • this is my first year of middle school and this girl started making fun of my teeth because I have a gap and she was creating a whole bunch of lies to make my friends hate me and to make everyone else think I'm weird and she even tried to fight me and i backed down because I'm not trying to have a suspension on my record but she started telling everyone that i was too scared to fight her. I just want to let you know if you're getting bullied you're not alone

  • I've been bullied before

  • I care because bullying can affect your mental health, it can affect your day to day life and that isn't healthy, it makes you frown upon yourself, it makes you feel helpless and not good enough, you feel insecure, you lose interest in the things you like no matter if it is hobbies or socializing, you lose it all, you become less talkative and distant from the ones you care about, i know this from experience

    Alex —
  • No one deserve to be mentally or physically hurt because of how they look, act, or feel. People should be able to express themselves. I am a victim of it too. I got called names for my weight and how I look. I see people bullying others everyday in my school and I feel so bad.

    Leila — 12
  • I care because everyone deserves kindness and not rudeness

    Brooke — 11
  • It's really bad

    Kim — 15
  • I was bullied because i cut my hair

    Arlly — 13
  • I care because i get bullied by 2 guys one of the guys call me misses piglyn and this guy in my 3rd block calls me fat so I just give up bc I have told so many people and im like do they even care because they do nothing

    Makayla — 11
  • I am a bully victim myself, and I'm tired of myself, others, etc being bullied for no reason. People at my school can't be themselves because of bullies!

    Leila — 12
  • I care because I've been through the pain of being bullied and I can't stand seeing it happen to others.

    Hayley — 12