Real Teens Speak Out

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worst day ever

last year i was in 6th grade starting my new life at a new school so when the year started i got pantsed in front of the whole school and everyone saw me like that then laughed at me, its the most humiliating moment of my life and i cry every time i think about it


I had toxic friends that basically bullied me for around 2 years in middle school.

It started with the five of us. We would always get in “arguments” which was basically randomly ghosting each other and then becoming friends again. They insulted each other to the point that i felt scared to actually share my feelings. One day they dropped one of the girls. I still feel guilty about that tbh… Couple months later in the last month of school they dropped me. No reason given. All i did all day was cry. I was so depressed to the point where i was on the verge to self h@rm. I had no friends for all the fun activities for the last week of school and i had no friends heading into my new classroom. I’m over them now that i have new better friends. But i still wonder why me? What did i do?


Im being “cyberbullied” by some little kids in elementary school that barely know me

One of my best friends, male friends and two of his friends have been “cyberbullying” me. They have been calling me “fat” and “big back” and other things like that for absolutely no reason. I barley know these kids and they have something against me. I have been struggling with thinking im fat myself and this is not helping. My best friend was private texting me saying “end their whole career” “roast them” etc and I cant. Normally being called names dont hurt but for some reason this really does hurt.



I’ve been bullied so bad I wanted to hurt myself


My “friends” are bullies! 🙁

This is not about school, it’s about this online website. I have been friends with these boys. But one day I saw them bullying a person who did something bad. So I made an important announcement that I was leaving my so-called friends for good. It was horrible that my friends bullied someone. Nobody deserves to get bullied, not even bad people.


I was bullied in elementary school

When I was in 4th grade I liked this one boy but there were 2 people who would always bully me because of it. They would laugh at me for it. They would go out of their way to make me feel miserable. I finally stood up to them one day and then I reported them to the principal.


School Bench

In 4th grade I was bullied everyday at recess. I would play tag with these 3 girls and I was never fast enough to get the other girls when I was it. I would run for 30 minutes trying to get them but they were too fast and I was too slow so I would just wear myself out for no fun reason at all. After playing weeks of tag with those girls I didn’t feel like playing anymore. They would make fun of me and always tagged me on purpose because they knew I couldn’t catch them. I felt like I had no friends and I was scared to try to go out of my comfort zone to make new friends. The rest of 4th grade I sat on the bench at recess all alone. What I learned is don’t be scared to make new friends even if your old friends made you feel bad about yourself. Today I have many close friends that I know will be my lifelong best friends. Even if you feel like life isn’t going your way it will always work out in the end.


I got threatened that I would get physically attacked

My sophomore year of high school I got threatened that I would get physically attacked. It really affected me a lot


my freshman bullying experience

When I was a freshman in high school I was bullied one day before school. There was a group of girls who laughed at me and took pictures of me to make fun of me. They walked me around introducing me to their friends acting like I was their friend. I had a hard time standing up for myself. After that I went to the nurse’s office and stayed there for the whole first period.


The One With Acne

I was in fifth grade, it all started in fourth grade, but got especially worse in fifth. I was struggling with acne from my PCOS and it was veryyy bad. I have already been seeing a dermatologist for a year by then, but it felt like nothing was working. Kids would always tell me things such as “You should try salicylic acid! It works so well for me.” (Keep in mind, this is my my best friends other friend, who knew i was sensitive on that topic and that she has had never gotten a single pimple in her life.) i would tell her i was aware and she would call me rude. That would happen over and over from her. And then other kids started mentioning it. Then one of my best friends, i asked a simple question and they thought they were being funny, so he responded with “well why does anything happen? Why do you have so much acne? Why is your head so round?” So i just casually said “oh damn” and awkwardly smiled. I was shocked and felt so betrayed. (There have been 16 occurrences in 5th, all from different people, this is only three of them by the way, not including 4th grade.) i was keeping a list of everybody who mentioned it and i can visually remember and hear their voices, i can also see them and the clothes they wore that day, and even the kids in the background for each experience when thinking about it. 3rd time: i had a lucky bracelet that i wore everyday cause i felt protected from all the hatred, and nobody mentioned my skin and body when i wore it. but one day it broke. The next day, i was on a call with my friend and a few kids from school. The kid shared their screen and it was text messages back and forth about me. I was on mute and wasn’t looking, but they told me to look. I acted fine as i usually do but i wasn’t. They didn’t refer to me by my name, but as “the one with acne” i feel like i’m on a leash.
